Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Had to get out to get some air. Hoisted sail an drifted around. Sailed to the new marina at Saltrøa just to have a look at the progress there, and then to Julneset, before I pointed the bow in the direction home.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Some rain when we woke up at Hjertøya. Magnus and me motored over to the marina in Molde after a delicious breakfast. Filled near 60 liters of diesel. Sailed home afterwards.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Magnus and Omar out sailing. To Hjertøya outside Molde. An Oriental stew for dinner. Magnus had a nice moment enjoying a film on the portable dvd player. Then an evening meal before a short goodnight story and bed.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Lena arrived on Saturday. The Nordsjø-festival had various pirate activities on the program. There were also a spectacular helicopter show, the Elias boat and small horse riding. Alex Rosen had a show later in the afternoon and Team Elg was also on the program. Nice atmosphere and kids of all ages had a great time. Lena and Magnus returned by car on Sunday, while Aida and me followed the armada of boats out the fjord.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Aida and Magnus as crew to Elnesvågen. We attended the Nordsjøfestival. Met Odd Magne and family there. We got a nice mooring at the far end of the marina and avoided most of the noice from ongoing parties. Aida met some friends and she was very happy to get permision to stay up later than usual.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Albert and Ellinor (my mother and father) and Magnus came along for a short trip on the boat. We put up some canvas but there was't much of a wind. My father, the old salt, was impressed with the boat and it's seaworthiness.


By engine to town. Needed to charge the batteries. I also needed shorepower so I could weld the VHF antenna. Not much wind on the trip back home either.